What do blackberries, oranges, apples, dates and eggs boxes have to do with desktops, windows, the mouse and a dongle? Watch this funny video and you’ll find out the answer.
The figure of the “Caganer” is a tradition that attracts a lot of attention outside Catalonia. Last year I found a very funny video of an English quiz show, where the presenter Stephen Fry surprises the contestants with a question about this figure. This was later translated into Catalan by VilaWeb. People might, after watching this video, take the misconception that Catalans always say “eat well and shit hard” instead of “bon profit” for certain. The British actor also says that Catalonia is a eschatological country.
A few days ago there was an article on Time magazine devoted to the ceramic figure of the “Caganer”, which was illustrated with a photo of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth and its bare royal buttocks!!
Students of the groups BAT1B and C, and those of SO1A, translated the carol “The Caganer” the days before Christmas. Students of BAT1C used common dictionaries, while classes of SO1A and BAT1B could use computers and look up the words on the internet. They did this activity in pairs. Both sides had many doubts about translating the word caganer (crapper, shitter, defecator … were some of the options). I must say that the most enthusiastic and participative students were the youngest, the SO1A class. Here you have the resulting subtitled video. I hope you enjoy it!!
We’ve been reading The Importance of being Earnest by the Irish writer Oscar Wilde. This short play, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People, as its author called it, was first performed in 1895 inLondon. A comedy, plenty of witty dialogues, in which Wilde creates ambiguous situations with a hilarious result. The protagonists maintain fictitious personae in order to escape their boring obligations. Wilde laughs at the socials conventions of late Victorian London and builds up a satire of Victorian ways.