September 29, 2011

The last bullfighting in Barcelona!

Read and watch the videos about the news that was headline on Sunday in most newspapers, radios and TVs: The last bullfighting in Barcelona!

Now write a new post in your blog to express your opinion about this piece of news. This will be like an opinion essay. You can find some tips here:

The headline to post your entry is on Friday, 7th october! Don't hesitate to ask for help, you know where to find me!

September 24, 2011

We introduce ourselves to the rest of the class!

As the first activity of the speaking class we have created our avatars to introduce ourselves. Here's the result:

Judit A. and Meritxell

Pau B. and Mercè B.
Núria C. and Berta C.

Alba and Jesus

Marta C. and Clara G.

Jordi G. and Paula B.

Roger B. and Jordi G.V.

September 12, 2011

Let's practice phonetics!