April 6, 2012

More tales from Shakespeare's (resources)

These are the four adapted plays by Shakespeare we have read and talked about in class. I have included their key themes.


Hesitation, Corruption, Revenge, Deception, Ambition, Loyalty, Serendipity, Madness


Appearance vs reality, All things are not what they seem, Jealousy, Hatred, True love.

Romeo and Juliet:

Love, Tragedy, Judgement, Conflict, Fate.

King Lear:

Suffering can transform a contemptible human being into a good person, All things are not as they appear, Green and lust, Fate, Power.

There are plenty of summaries and resources you can have a look at on the internet, but the best way to get to know Shakespeare’s work is to do your own outlines and work the vocabulary to understand the stories.

Here you have the links to the plays by The Reduced Shakespeare Company for a laugh J

Romeo and Juliet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzVyqiskpMk&feature=related

Othello: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC-f0drvdmM

Hamlet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvPdWcCHkxM&feature=related

About King Lear I have found Act 5 Scene 3, when the King realises how wrong he was, by the Royal Shakespeare Company: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvA_gUDGKik&feature=relmfu

Remember you should rewatch the video about Shakespeare’s biography to understand his historical and personal background:

You have here another shorter video about the Elizabethan age:


Do you like maga comics? Well, here you have the summaries (PDF) of the plays in manga version:

Hamlet: http://www.mangashakespeare.com/synopsis/HAMLET_plot_summary.pdf

Romeo and Juliet: http://www.mangashakespeare.com/synopsis/ROMEO&JULIET_plot_summary.pdf

Othello: http://www.mangashakespeare.com/synopsis/OTHELLO_plot_summary.pdf

King Lear: http://www.mangashakespeare.com/synopsis/KING_LEAR_plot_summary.pdf

These resources are meant to help you, I hope they help you, but it is you who must decide which are useful. Feel free to look for other links or options to prepare the test.