December 22, 2014

Christmas rap

A group of students from 3rd ESO has created a Christmas rap. This is what we did:

First of all, we translated the Christmas Catalan song: "Hi ha d'haver un caganer", then we chose a few lines from the resulting song and we finally sang them along. We used the app Smule AutoRap to remix the lyrics with the melody of Ganghan Style. 

The final tune is a bit crazy, especially since we had to translate the word Caganer in English, a term not always easy to explain.

Anyway, here we share the hit, hope you like it, or at least makes you laugh ;-)

December 21, 2014

Christmas Deco

Here we have all the deco we've been making in class to wish you all Merry Christmas 2014 and a 2015 full of happiness.

Jingle Bells rap!

We've been trying to create a Christmas rap in class with the 3rd-ESO students and tomorrow will be the day we're going to record it. We'll share it with all of you very soon. Meanwhile, here's an English teacher who uses rap to teach the language as well as to wish Merry Christmas!

December 7, 2014

November 20, 2014

Christmas deco

You know how important is for people in USA and UK to have their homes and work places decorated for Christmas. Everybody gets involved in the process and helps to make the season the most special one. We are going to decorate our classrooms and school soon.

Here are some ideas you can borrow to get inspiration from! Be creative and have fun ;-)

Follow Monica Vallin's board Christmas stuff on Pinterest.

January 13, 2014

The Scarlet Letter

These days we’re working the universal literary masterpiece The Scarlet Letter created by the north American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne. Here’s a word cloud resulting from this famous novel. In class we’re going to talk about the main ideas you’ve come up after reading the story and these words might help us.